If you have an inspiring phrase or piece of art you'd like to submit, email us at this.is.home.project@gmail.com. All submissions are welcome, and watch this space for your piece!
Viewers will vote on their favorite piece, and finalists will receive their design in a limited edition postcard pack. Good luck!
Text (phrases) submission is now closed. Graphic submission is open until 31 August.
1. 4x6 inch dimension, please. 2. send it to us in 72dpi. (we'll ask you to send a 300dpi CMYK file if your design is chosen for the postcard pack.) 3. please include the text you were inspired from, however you plan to incorporate it.
this is just going to be so great - these gave me chills/tears. i can relate to many and it reminds me of all the good out there.